Oct 9, 2008


Coffee powder ( not instant one ) - 4 Tbsp (if you have a small filter)
Boiled milk - 1 cup
Water - 2 cups or as needed to fill the filter

Boil water in a sauce pan. Take a filter and put the coffee powder and when the water boils pour the water inside the filter till the rim, tap the filter very gently with a spoon so that the decoction will go to the bottom of the filter soon. Take a vessel and pour the filtered decoction and then add milk and sugar to the decoction and mix well. Add sugar as per your taste. Now the coffee is ready and sit back, relax and sip the traditional south Indian filter coffee.

TIPS : Always add milk to the decoction and never add decoction to milk.Do not heat the decoction separately as it tend to loose its flavour.

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